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Ask yourself this, have you ever met someone you knew would be an ideal client because…

  • You felt a connection with them right away?
  • You knew at your core that you could help them or shared insight that they felt was extremely valuable? 
  • You spoke their language and they spoke yours? 

Now, ask yourself: 

  • What are they passionate about? 
  • What do they struggle with? 
  • How do they feel at their emotional core? 
  • What do they want? 
  • Where may be good places to find them? 

These are important questions because if you are going to take the time to invest in creating a website, emails, videos, newsletters, products and programs for them…. don’t you think it’s a good idea to know these things? 

If you don’t define who your client is …How much time, money, and energy might you waste guessing?

Okay so you get it—identifying your target client is important!